Swainsona formosa or Sturt’s Desert Pea, outback icon.
If you travel through the outback of Australia during Spring and early Summer, chances are you will, during your journey see large areas of bright red flowers. The native flower responsible for these spectacular displays is Swainsona formosa. Mostly referred to as Sturt’s Desert Pea. However, I’m reliably informed that thousands of years before William Dampier collected plant specimens, the indigenous word for the plant was Ngooringa.

You need to be aware, that photographing the plant is OK. No surprises there, but collecting any part of the plant, from plants located on Crown land, is definitely not OK. To avoid a fine you will need a permit. Jumping through a fence, and nicking some from private property without written permission will also land you a fine. It goes without saying, picking the flowers, making garlands from them, then creating awesome social media posts from your photos. Is not a great idea either. Both morally or legally.

Sturt’s Desert Pea, like many other varieties of Australian native wildflowers, can best be described as being tough. I think the gardening community refer to this as being hardy. In good seasons, with plenty of rainfall, they thrive, covering large areas with their spectacular flora displays. If rainfall fails, or is significantly reduce, their presence and Vigour decline proportionally.
Tricks to survival
A number of tricks help these plants survive harsh semi-arid environments. The most important adaptation, seeds that remain viable for years. Then, when the rains arrive again, germinating and bursting into life.
There is a lesson here for humans, venturing into the outback. We need to be resident, self sufficient and prepared. Living and travelling the outback, while being a wonderful experience can also be life-threatening for the under-prepared.
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